MovieChat Forums > Michael Kelly Discussion > DOTD CJ screencaps inside...

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Oh my geez, I love him in Dawn of the Dead. He is my favorite. These are amazing. CJ = teh sex. Hahaha gorgeous. I watched DotD last night and realized I wasn't paying as much attention to the plot as I was him. I actually skipped to the scene where the first meet him in the elevator.

Hissy hissy little snakey slither on the floor, you be good to Morfin or he'll nail you to the door


I skip to the elevator scenes quite often.

CJ is the main reason I have seen the movie 30+ times, I may as well start the movie where he comes in... *he he* CJ comes in...

sorry, you were saying?


R.I.P. Nancy and Daniel
I love Michael Kelly


Hahahaha that was wrong hehe in a funny way. That's always where I start now though. He is just so...ugh...I dunno, perfect? Shall I use that?

Hissy hissy little snakey slither on the floor, you be good to Morfin or he'll nail you to the door


Perfect. I am sure at *everything*.

Yes, I do have a one-track mind when it comes to CJ. I can't help it okay. I try and I try, I just can't get rid of it.


R.I.P. Nancy and Daniel
I love Michael Kelly


Ah, I can't blame you. I think its contagious too. Haha my friend and I were talking about the movie before and something was said (I forget, my memory sucks) and a response similar to yours came out of my mouth and all I could do was laugh.

Hissy hissy little snakey slither on the floor, you be good to Morfin or he'll nail you to the door


You two.

We whipped 'em and we GOT IT ALL!!!


We're multiplying, darkchia. Today, it's IMDB. Soon we will take over the world! *evil laugh*

We can't be stopped!


R.I.P. Nancy and Daniel
I love Michael Kelly
