MovieChat Forums > Michael Kelly Discussion > His Career, The Gay Thing, and so on...

His Career, The Gay Thing, and so on...

He must be as good an actor in photographs as he is in his roles. Those pictures of him with his hottie wife look very sincere and happy leading me to believe, along with other info given on this site that he is straight. Not that it matters one bit to his fans.

I first saw him in Loggerheads and he was wonderfully convincing as George. I made it a point to see everything (possible anyway) that he was/is in. His role in The Changeling wasn't nearly big enough for my liking, what a great movie. I liked Invincible. He does menacing just as well as he does sweet. There have been a few that were hard to get throught because he was just about the only bright spot (Origin of Species - remake of Dawn of the Dead). His turns as different characters on Law & Order are great too.

Plus, he is certainly easy on the eyes...I hope he continues to get good roles and a lot of work - he is a pleasure to watch...


Dawn of the Dead hard to get thru???
That movie was great.


you know what, I have been told that by several people and I think I should have pointed out that hard to get thru for me is just based on my not being very fond of that genre. I mean my favorite "horror" film, if you will, is "The Omen" the original. 'Nuff said.
