
I love David Patrick Kelly but when i lloked him up in imdb i was disappointed to find out that he hasn't played in a lot of movies where he was a main character. i was wondering if someone knew any movies that he played in and that aren't listed here if they would be kind enough to tell me. THanks so much.


Hi--David Patrick Kelly is mainly known as a stage actor. He is highly regarded in this area. He mostly gets character roles in mainstream films--I think he kind of got pigeonholed as fitting a certain type (villianous) when he did The Warriors in 1979. Stage has allowed more leeway in the types of roles he can do, and I believe has always been his main area of interest. Latest I heard, he was doing some good off-Broadway stuff. His brother happens to be my boss, by the way.

Anne Marie


I wasn't really aware of this guy other than the actor who played 'Luther' in 48 Hours. I guess he played a character of the same name in 'The Warriors' but I've never seen that film. His very brief role in 'Heavy' [1995] as 'Grey Man in Hospital' was one of my favorite scenes from any movie I saw during the 1990s. Here he is anything but villianous.


He was spot on in the Crow as well. You gotta see it if you haven't. "Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is."

"I am the walrus"


His character in the warriors was awesome! Check it out if you've never seen it!


Speaking of his stage work. I just saw him last night at Hartford Stage (Connecticut) in Othello. He was FABULOUS!!! It was funny because I didnt see his bio prior to the beginning of the play, but when he started his dialog(he played Iago) I knew he looked familiar, and I KNEW I knew his voice, But his name illuded me, and he didnt look so much like himself. I told my mom I knew who he was and I told her about his parts in Commando, 48 Hours, The Warriors, and Dreamscape. (she still didnt know who I was talking about) but I knew, so today I looked him up on IMDB, to find I was right. He is a terrrrrriffffic actor, and I agree Hollywood really should utilize his talents more, especially since he is also a talented singer and guitar/mandolin player, and Hollywood seems to be having a slight resurgence in musical type films. BUT knowing Hollywood, they would probably cast him as a singing villain!


and I have said this in another post, but I would love to see him do more lead roles in moves...and also a love scene ..maybe in a play as well, he is so good..
god bless him I wonder if he ever comes by here and reads what people say .. its all good, love ya david!!! congrats on the wedding as well..
