Speaking of his stage work. I just saw him last night at Hartford Stage (Connecticut) in Othello. He was FABULOUS!!! It was funny because I didnt see his bio prior to the beginning of the play, but when he started his dialog(he played Iago) I knew he looked familiar, and I KNEW I knew his voice, But his name illuded me, and he didnt look so much like himself. I told my mom I knew who he was and I told her about his parts in Commando, 48 Hours, The Warriors, and Dreamscape. (she still didnt know who I was talking about) but I knew, so today I looked him up on IMDB, to find I was right. He is a terrrrrriffffic actor, and I agree Hollywood really should utilize his talents more, especially since he is also a talented singer and guitar/mandolin player, and Hollywood seems to be having a slight resurgence in musical type films. BUT knowing Hollywood, they would probably cast him as a singing villain!