MovieChat Forums > David Patrick Kelly Discussion > who has seen this movie yet ??

who has seen this movie yet ??

flags of our fathers?? has anyone here seen it yet?? they have the photos here I see.. it looks good ..



I saw this movie, 20 years ago...
More or less a good film, with strange-smile Dennis Quaid. The SFX are old fashioned way. But still a good souvenir...
As far as I can remember, the plot was a funny... But I should say that the design of cover of the DVD is one of the ugliest I've ever seen. Looks litteraly like a nightmare. It is strange to me to think that Max Von Sydow and Christopher Plummer played together in this movie.


thanks for answering..
it must be a war movie I am not one for war movies..
but I was wondering how this movie with david was?? have a good day ..



hi there,
this movie with david will be out in movie theaters this friday in ny..
take care



I saw it this afternoon. I really enjoyed the movie. David Patrick Kelly is only in it for a couple of seconds.

He plays President Harry Truman. I was surprised when He came on screen. There have been several people who played Truman better but they also had sn entire movie to work with.

He was fine for the part but it really takes a little longer to create much of a character.


I am not going to see it.. but DPK never has a big part you notice. not long enough for me anyway!! oh well. there goes that one.. thanks take care



Sort of interesting that the guy who played the pawn-shop owner in The Crow, Gideon, is in this film with him. I wonder if there are any other Crow connections, or if this was pure coincidence.
