MovieChat Forums > David Patrick Kelly Discussion > a question about davids movies.. can som...

a question about davids movies.. can someone answer??

I have been going to my rental store to rent all the movies that david has been in and I was wondering about the movie "last man standing " with bruce willis.. I wanted to know how was it?? I am sure someone from this board has seen it?? thanks in advance..


It's pretty good, worth renting. He's good in it.

why shoot the breeze about it, when you could be about it


thanks for the reply..
I have never seen dreamscape either I have alot to catch up on!!


also need to know about the movie..Personal Velocity: Three Portraits ??
is david in the movie a long time??
I wish he would really have longer parts ... thanks again


Last Man Standing is a western, set during Prohibition. Two rival gangs, one Italian, one Irish, fight for control over a border town so they can import illegal booze from Mexico. All the traditions of the classic western are included, especially guns that shoot all day. Instead of two Colt Peacemaker revolvers (cowboy pistols) that hold 12 rounds each (really only hold six; cowboys only loaded five most of the time), Bruce Willis has two Colt 1911 .45 autos that hold 20 rounds each (actually take seven-round magazines). And Christopher Walken (the bad guy) uses a 1928 Colt Thompson (probably really a West Hurley) with 200-rd drum (really 50 rounds) instead of a lever-action Winchester. They also tend to fight for five minutes at a time without losing their hats. It's an interesting movie.


sounds good, I am not much into westerns but if david is in it is worth watching. I am going to look around for it , my video store dont have it . neither does my library..I can order it on amazon ?? its possible,or maybe santa will bring it to me?? lol, anyhow I have a older movie that david was in called "cheap shots" its cool, funny and david is in it most of the time..I just purchased "commando" also. its fun playing catch up.. thanks a bunch..
this is a nice place if you dont know something and have to ask ..what better place..have a good night take care,


I just bought "last man standing." waiting for it to get here.. thanks..


You have all seen Twin Peaks right? He is in that quite a lot, as he is in The Warriors and also The Crow - plays the second main villain! They are definately worth checking out! He's great in all of them.


its so funny,
I always watched this show but how can I say this...not to forget about david but he kind of faded out of my life at that point.. people come and go in and out of your life ya know, but I was younger and I guess hanging out on the stoop was more important at that time!! lol but I am glad to add david back into my life now.. love ya david ..
