Breckin Meyer

It was probably just me,lol, but this man when he first came up on the screen when I saw "Flags of our fathers" really reminded me of Breckin an older version...the looks and the, I'm probably crazy but can anyone else see what I mean...

"Deja que el mundo te cambie, y podrás cambiar el mundo." Motorcycle Diaries


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if you see twin peaks, this guy looks like he could be breckin meyer's father. its crazy. they look exactly alike.


yeah he would be a perfect Sully if there was ever a remake. All he need to practice is to have a creepy smile and say *beep* hor" like he means it.


i actually came to IMDB right now just to confirm that he was somehow related to Brekin. i can't believe he isn't. they could father and son.


I was watching a re-run of Dreamscape (1984) and could swear he must be genetically related as well. Came to IMDB to check. Went to Hollywood High so I guess anything is possible.


Ha, never thought of it, but they do look alike. They're not related, though.


In "Warriors" I used to be convinced that he was Sean Penn.
