In the sense that most people think he was a preacher and his followers commit mass suicide. Nothing is further from the truth! Jim Jones was a Communist i.e. Atheist, who realized he could get followers by posing as a Christian who did fake faith healings. His particular brand of Atheist Communism was of the Stalinist-North Korean variety and he treated the concentration camp victims of Jonestown accordingly.
So on Nov. 18th, 1978 he ordered the massacre of Congressman Ryan and party, and then ordered the death of everyone else (909 in Jonestown, 5 at Port Kaituma, 4 in Georgetown). A few died willingly, most including hundreds of kids were murdered. As we come to the 42nd anniversary there are some good documentaries out there as well as the original Powers Booth definitive dramatization.
But that said there is something alluring about this death cult that always fascinates me.