Talentless hack.
Why Steve Jobs Sucks:
Steve Jobs is the reason we got the iPhone. Are we happier since then? Hell no, and everyone knows it. All Steve Jobs did with the iPhone was put an internet browser in our pockets. It's made us less happy and less social, and the only reason Jobs did it was to dominate the smartphone market. That's it. He didn't invent the internet, or even innovate the web at all. He just took other people's ideas and put them together into something, we didn't really need and wasn't new or original at all. That's exactly what Elon Musk does.
Now, everyone is depressed and far less happy than 15 years ago by all statistics , and alot of evidence points directly to smartphone, and social media which came with the smartphone. All thanks to a megalomaniac named Steve Jobs who never innovated in his life, all he's done is make the world more antisocial and taken away all our face-to-face interaction and taken away our conversational skills.
He's also made the internet worse by essentially dumbing it down and turning the whole internet into one big social media blog.