MovieChat Forums > Caitlyn Jenner Discussion > Being Called a Transphobe

Being Called a Transphobe

By the very same people who said she was a hero.

Mental unwellness eats itself.

For this -


Wrong actually.

Many transgender advocates criticized Bruce's very public 'transition' as a celebrity stunt and there was a lot of criticism when (s)He was awarded "Woman of the Year" from Vanity Fair, all the while promoting the GOP anti-transgender agenda by openly supporting it.


You have to be out of your fucking mind to think men and women are the same and should be playing the same sports. These people want "equality" that much they are willing to do this? Hurt people? Shortchange natural women who worked hard?

These people are also so quick to drop the phobe, ist, or isms. You're not a transphobe if you don't think men and women should compete in the same arenas, so to speak, you're a transphobe if you want to deny their right to live, work, etc.


Progressives instinctively rail against anything the conservatives believe in. Conservatives believe that women's sports are no place for bio men, so they think it's fair. So let's give them this one.

Lets end all Title IX sports. Have one program per school: boys, girls, transgenders, polygenders (I made that one up), no genders, etc. Let the best athlete play regardless of what chromosomes the human was born with or regardless of what gender(s) if any the human identifies as.

Think of the tax money saved.


I think it would be interesting to see the percentage of trans people that are liberals.


Those sound like the words of a Phobephobe!
