Oh come on!
What a piece of #&*$_. He comes out in the moves and bugs Adam Sandler to be in Sandy Wexler and then $*#_$@^ that up and *#$_# dog done in there, and then he goes and makes that other stupid #$*_!) yeah we buy you as a CIA cop you batroon. And that was already after #$*+ incident and Dicks sporting goods with the cheetohs garbage. and @()!&*& Paul Blart too? Really? No one cares and no one wants to see you pretend to be an MMA figther #$*#@!) turkey@!
Trying to sell me things, you don't know what my unique needs are that need customized solutions, stop trying to $*@_( sell me your watch brand and whatever I don't need your t shirts or King of Queens stuff, at least then you were a #(($+@@ tit!
Stpo nervously spraying with poop on white linens!