MovieChat Forums > Ryan Hurst Discussion > RYAN IS SO FINNNNEEEE!!


mmm.. ryan is so so yummy!!!!!!!!
HES FIIIIIINE!!!.. mmm...
hes a hella huney in rememba tha titans an he has
a fine as body in lady killers... ohh damn!

Thé®é§ ÑòT éÑúF WiLLiàM FiçHtñé® 4 év鮥òÑé...òÑL¥ Mé :)


yes, he is a hottie. and, he's very hunky, sweet, and just plain awesome in tnt's 'wanted'.



I love him in "Wanted"!!


Mmmmmmm..... I agree with everyone 100%. He's an AWESOME actor and is God's finest structure of a MAN and a REAL MAN!!!!


yes, he is. i never seen remember the titans but i love him in wanted. and william fichtne is also a hottie.


Oh i know he is so hotttttttt.


Completely agree with the hottie thing but why is it that we have yet to see him with anything but long sleeves on...come on give us just a little taste of Jimmy...


i've read that ryan has several least 3 of which are on his arms. the only reason i can think of for the folks at 'wanted' keeping jimmy in long sleeves, is the fact that jimmy is a devout Christian, and they probably think the tats would conflict with the character's Christian beliefs...especially since one of those tats is supposedly a buddha. it's a silly reason, but it's the only one i can come up with. i mean, the writers could easily explain away jimmy's tats as something he did before he gave over fully to his Catholic upbringing. we've seen it revealed that jimmy was a wild child and did a lot of crazy stuff before embracing, it wouldn't be all that difficult to explain away ryan's real tattoos. hopefully, 'wanted' will return...and, hopefully, the long sleeves won't. i'd love to see him in a sleeveless. why would they want to cover up all the hott-ness that is ryan hurst?



Yeah I guess I didn't think about that because you can see where they covered one on his arm is Remeber the titans. Very Badly I might add.
