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Idris is a superb actor. I'm excited to see him take on this role. Even better if Rosamund Pike decides to reattach herself to the film. They would make a glorious couple. Interestingly, the only time I found Elba to be stale was in Pacific Rim - where every actor was equally terrible (Hunnam included).

How this equals preferential treatment is beyond me. Maybe Elba is the right fit for the role? Good on whoever decided to think outside the box and cast someone who isn't white and basic (not implying Hunnam is basic but lord knows the number of white, basic, and marginally talented actors who get cast as leads in movies over the very deserving non-white talent).

i don't really understand what your obsession is with Charlie's gf/wife/whatever she is to him. Isn't she in the background 99.9% of the time? I don't even know her name, let alone what she has done to deserve some of the hate on these boards. Seriously asking - what did she do?


Your comprehension skills are superb! I see reaching and bashing Charlie's partner are your specialities. Proceed, darling.
