I appreciate and respect your reply. And while I am not a relative of Charlie, I appreciate the fact that he's stood up for my sister Morgana throughout her public disparagement that is truly short on facts. That is why I wrote my book "My Most-Wanted Mom .....," so much has been told in the media that is simply not true. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my mom is some totally innocent shrinking violet. My book is a very intense and shocking true story of a complicated family within which Morgana, Leighton and myself were raised by parents that were indeed "modern day outlaws." I just feel that Morgana and Leighton, as well as myself for that matter, deserve to have the truth out there instead of a mass of speculation by people that probably would appreciate the truth but just haven't had the chance to know any better. My book just tells it like it happened, the good and the bad, and everything in between. After the truth is out, people are, of course, free to judge our family for themselves. By the way, I told my sister and everyone in my family about my book. I assume Charlie has been told by my sister. I continue to stand by and honor truth as a prime directive of life.
Sincerely, David Michael McNelis