I used to believe that he's not a good actor, too but I decided to rewatch some of his scenes in the last 2 seasons of Lost, in order to compare his role on Lost and on Colony. My thoughts were that there is no way that an actor who gave an amazing performance in those seasons can change and become a bad actor. Especially, in the scene on the dock with Kate, where he talks about Juliet. Even the critics praise him and said that he deserved an Emmy nomination. I think the problem is that Will Bowman is a boring and uninterested character that doesn't give Josh Holloway the chance to show his acting range, but in the episode where Will fights with Katie, he showed some of his talent. So, for me it has to do more with the character and less with he's acting ability. I won't bother to say anything about his acting on Intelligence because the show was awful.
Btw, most of the critics who have reviewed Colony seem to like his acting and that's enough for me.