MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > πŸš©β€‹ Nazis : National Socialism WAS Socia...

πŸš©β€‹ Nazis : National Socialism WAS Socialism πŸš©β€‹

National Socialism WAS Socialism | Rethinking WW2 History

Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments

Undisputed, Hitler and the socialist Nazis were evil murderers (Holocaust).


They outlawed trade unions and threw socialists in camps.


Are you trying to say, that this made the Nazis capitalists?!

Side note in that context:
Stalin murdered many 'comrades' (communists and socialists).
In and outside the Gulags...just saying.


No I'm not trying to say anything except what I wrote.

Everyone in Soviet Union was everyone's comrades.

Hitler specifically targeted socialists and trade unionists.


You wont get a logical answer from TImeTunnel.

he hates facts. You may not know the author of the vieos he posted, but the guys an insane extremist libertarian as "proof" the nazis were on the left.

the guy reinvented the term socialist to such an extreme bredth Adam SMith, the father of capitalism, would be considered a "socialist"


Batfleck (1530) 2 hours ago
You wont get a logical answer from TImeTunnel.
he hates facts. You may not know the author of the vieos he posted, but the guys an insane extremist libertarian as "proof" the nazis were on the left.
the guy reinvented the term socialist to such an extreme bredth Adam SMith, the father of capitalism, would be considered a "socialist"

You don't have a clue, whith whom you're dealing, little whippersnapper. πŸ˜Žβ€‹
And btw. I'm female.


i dont care who you are. you are weak and cowardly. your parents failed and it shows. you are fragile and have to run away from the topic because you have nothing. but dont have the spine to admit it.

i truly pity you and your sad existence. people like you are a waste and embarrassing


Batfleck (1532) 5 minutes ago
i dont care who you are. you are weak and cowardly. your parents failed and it shows. you are fragile and have to run away from the topic because you have nothing. but dont have the spine to admit it.
i truly pity you and your sad existence. people like you are a waste and embarrassing

Take some valerian and shut your useless blabbermouth.


awww you gunna cry again that i was a meanie? and send your "im going to sue and fight you!" links? it must suck to be an impotent old hag whose is not only lacking intellectually, but lacking any real world power.

and thinks people will read those links and be shaking in their boots. the way you shake in your boots.

i feel bad for you. you are like a shaking shitting dog, scared out of its mind.



I don't even have a Facebook account.
Try again, bad-dabbler.





True, Hitler also targeted socialists and unionists...and communists!
Not true, that everyone in Soviet Union was everyone's comrade.

There were (and still are) different tendencies among the socialists/communists and they fought each other to death.


even though i already educated you, for the 15th time.

the nazis have complete totalitarian power. so wheres the systematic attack of the right as a grouP???? when were they going to be sent to camps?? why did they keep all their political positions and remain great allies wiht the nazis?

you are a joke


ive educated you on this already clown.

stalin alsoo went after the right. the nazis NEVER went after the right. in fact they lived their life out, as a group, peacefully in nazi germany

learn the difference clown.


Just google tikhistory and you'll know all you need to know about his revisionist hard-Libertarian history.


Before my OP I've made a little 'research'.
On some sites they said TikHistory is perhaps the British historian Mark Felton.
But didn't find an official confirmation for that.

Besides, it doesn't change what he says about National Socialism anyhow:
"Another YouTube user named TIKhistory makes meticulous historical videos that are meant to outdo TV documentaries. TIKhistory aims to eliminate historical myths and misconceptions with an emphasis on World War II and related subjects so we are able to learn from the past and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Along with his attention to detail, his analysis of all the key sources on a given topic sets him apart from other YouTube history channels. He attempts to create a narrative that is supported by numerous independent sources while proving why contradictory information is not correct." August 25, 2022


No, they weren't.
