MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > CIA: "Adolf Hitler Had A ‘Homosexual Str...

CIA: "Adolf Hitler Had A ‘Homosexual Streak’"

Well, no surprise, other than his enforced, incestuous ''relationship'' with his own niece, whom he later murdered personally?


Druggie, possibly gay, weak and sexually weird....some ideal of Aryan being this fucker was.


He was also dumb as shit, a slow retard.


Is this a put-down of men with only one testicle? If so that is monotesticle phobia and is illegal, I think.


> The 70-page dossier on the German dictator stated that he was “a sadomasochistic type of man with possibly even a homosexual streak in him.”

Possibly, it says???


I think the most believable thing I've read that updates history is that Hitler and a lot of the Nazi leadership were prescribed what is basically meth and it was said they were all addicted to it.

Honestly, they don't need to be anything other than what they historically were to be the most evil human beings who ever lived.


I wonder that our gay brethren on the forum aren't having a fit over the connotations of calling Hitler a homosexual. After all, that's the same thing as saying, "See? Hitler was gay and he was evil", so evil people are gay". Or "Gay people are evil".

I have no skin in that game, but I'm sure homosexuals would detect an aspersion or two there. That's their problem, of course, not anybody else's.

As for Nazis being prescribed Meth... I wouldn't put too much store in what you read, Brux. Although it would have been available to them, I very much doubt that they could have managed to create and maintain such a complex social upheaval if they were hopeless drug addicts.


"I wonder that our gay brethren on the forum aren't having a fit over the connotations of calling Hitler a homosexual. After all, that's the same thing as saying, "See? Hitler was gay and he was evil", so evil people are gay". Or "Gay people are evil".

I have no skin in that game, but I'm sure homosexuals would detect an aspersion or two there. That's their problem, of course, not anybody else's."

Because maybe gay people aren't as precious as you are making them out to be.

I myself wonder why someone like you would assume that gay people don't have a sense of humour. I suppose that's your problem, of course, not anybody else's.


Actually, Timmy, your reply confirms my idle speculation that some gay people may be over-sensitive, and detect insults where there are none...


Actually, Poppy, you make me laugh.


Yes, I've noticed that you're easily amused, Timmy.


Funny AND observant. Got it all going on poppy flower.


You noticed, then.



Perhaps he was homo, perhaps not. If so, it doesn't make him more evil. It's just "so what?".


Because its more proof that people project, he hated gays and wanted them dead, but it was his own insecurities that made him hate them, dude loved the cock apparently, probably desperately wanted to be a multiracial gay Polish Jew cripple.


I doubt he was gay, it wasn't the CIA but it's predecessor the OSS(Office of Strategic Services) that performed an investigation into Hitler. In actuality there were two psychological evaluations of Hitler by the Americans, but they were closely related in their conclusions. The OSS report did an amazing job predicting Hitler's behavior when he started losing the war. They predicted Hitler would have loud outbursts(he actually screamed so much towards the end he had a heart attack), that he would never surrender, and that he would most likely commit suicide rather than capture. As far as Hitler's sexuality they concluded he was probably impotent. They also diagnosed him as being a neurotic psychopath.
Hitler did seem to have some homosexual tendencies but we have to realize a lot of the people the OSS interviewed were enemies of Hitler they most likely made up a whole slew of negative stuff to say about him. My personal opinion is that he liked unintelligent young women who he could easily control. Family members repeatedly called him a cradle robber. He seemed to have delusions of grandeur and generally hated the human race, he wiped out the weakest first(disabled, homosexuals) and then kept on ramping it up from there.
One of the craziest things that is very telling is that when Germany surrendered in WWI he went blind and his doctor eventually figured out the cause was hysterical blindness and diagnosed him as "probably a psychopath. Dude was on a super high level of being a screwed up human being.


didnt his niece commit suicide?


We'll never know the truth of that, his relationship with her was disturbing.
