MovieChat Forums > Christopher Hitchens Discussion > Who else misses this guy as much as I do...

Who else misses this guy as much as I do?

The world needs his wit and insight and learnedness now more than ever. Why oh why did God have to take him so soon?

Oh, that's right. There IS no God! Hahahahaha!!!


Imagine the hissy fits he'd cause the lunatic left today! They can't stand actual intellectuals.


Imagine the hissy fits he'd cause the lunatic left today! They can't stand actual intellectuals.
What's especially interesting is that even during the last fifteen to twenty years of his life, he already felt that the left, or at least the American left, was starting to lose it's marbles. He saw through a lot ofthe bullshit that they were espousing in the 2000s.


He did. And he was a supporter of the invasion of Iraq, which I was not. But I don't mind someone having different opinions if they can articulate them in an intelligent manner.


I mentioned on the Bill Maher boards that that guy seems to have undergone something similar to what Hitch went through the last years of his life--i.e. a realization that the American left was going off the rails.
Maher, like Hitch, continues to identify as a leftist(although Hitch hated the term 'liberal' and always insisted on being called a 'radical' as you may know) and like Hitchens remains faithful to what he considers to be classically liberal values, even if the average liberal/leftist nowadays no longer shares those values.


Older people like Maher are terrified of being called a conservative or any of the adjacent ad hominem the media uses to describe dissent.


In his scathing review of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, Hitch said at the top "One of the problems with the modern left, and indeed of of the modern left has been it's image and self-image as something all too rather solemn, mirthless, herbivorous, monochrome, self-righteous, and dull."

If Hitch though the American left was all of those things in 2004, can you imagine what he'd say about the left TODAY?!


Hitchens would 1000000000000% be closer to the modern democrats, even if he would have had some major problems with some things (no one agrees 100% with anyone else)

You really think Hitchen's would have been supportive of any of the variations of McConnell, Cruz, Marjorie TG, Trump, Rubio, Palin, Huckabee, Pence Republicanism?

you are smoking crack and didnt know anything about Hitchens in the slightest. He was a self described socialist. he tongue in cheek called others comrade even if he hated soviet totalitarianism.


his invasion stance made sense but given the facts that came about I think he would recant that position. but if you think he would ever be a republican you didnt know Hitchens.


I think it'd be wonderful to watch him wittily obliterate the left wing loonies, and just as wonderful to watch him turn around to the right-wingers (who would think he was on "their side") and wipe the floor with them, too.


If you criticize the left-wing loonies, you get categorized as a right-winger, even if you're moderate/rational, simply for not being a left-wing loony. I think right-wingers just see people like Hitchens and Maher as more in line with reality than the leftist lunatics they all find ridiculous.


The left does do that, but the right has its own warped craziness right now and Hitch would've burned them for it.
