Unbelievably Hot

I was out watching a couple of episodes of Mad Men a while ago at a friend's place and as soon as I walked out my face was literally all blue from how hot her performance was as Joan. Sometimes I question whether I even watch Mad Men for the show itself or just for her.

Looking at this board, I am absolutely disgusted at the negative comments about her. It damn right outrages me, looking at the hypocrisy spewing, dribbling from the many imdb users on here; that some people would dare say the things they say about Christina Hendricks and how wrong they are. She is beautiful, has a perfect body, chest, everything. It bewilders me how anyone could refer to her as fat, and those people surely need their eyes verified, or look up into a dictionary the true meaning of fat. I can only come to the conclusion that these people who devoutly disagree with me are evidently gay, or are clearly missing the essential hormones for attraction to the opposite sex.


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Only a closeted gay man would so defensively accuse anyone who doesn't find this highly overrated woman attractive of being gay.

You don't need to pretend she's the new Audrey, Sophia, or Vivien just because you like her boobs. Come on now, let's not use the logic of 15-year-old boys.

Also, speak for yourself. People have different ideas of fat. Some mean baby fat or simply excess fat, as she has. If you like that, fine, just don't pretend people who focus on being fit or at a slim healthy weight are wrong in this obese country.



I think she's gorgeous as well.

It does appear she's gained some weight recently, which isn't very attractive, but I'll always be attractive to gingers. It's the skin. I love the extremely white skin.


If she's a ginger then she's a winner!


Ugly and disgusting.


Come on now, let's not use the logic of 15-year-old boys.

...Also, speak for yourself. People have different ideas of fat.
And you're preaching about childish logic? People may have different ideas of what "fat" is but that doesn't mean they necessarily have a clue. In fact most of the time they don't.

There are specific medical definitions of what 'overweight' and 'obese' are, based on body fat percentage for a person's age and gender. Unless a person is basing their opinion on those definitions, their opinions don't mean jack and are often nothing but idiotic impressions based on a false standard of "beauty" made up by weirdos in the fashion industry who aren't even attracted to women to begin with.


^Jealous and quite possibly anorexic.
