Steve Harvey Slams “Cancel Culture”: “Political Correctness Has Killed Comedy”
He's only slamming PC and CC because it's affecting his career as a stand-up. If it affected everyone else but didn't affect him directly, he wouldn't give a crap. It's not about right or wrong, it's about the effect on his wallet.
No problem with that. Uptight woke clowns shouldn't have the power to tell anyone what they can or can't say. A comedian makes a living by saying stuff. SJW idiots affect his wallet, and he's right to bitch about it.
I agree he's right to speak up against wokeness, but my point is that maybe his motivation isn't one of what's actually right but more of what's affecting his wallet.
For instance, if he was a famous musician or singer, would he give a crap about wokeness? Maybe he would, and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but few entertainers are willing to call out wokeness because of the cancel culture - look at the shitstorm the left threw at J.K. Rowling. I wonder if Harvey is challenging it for truth or because it's directly affecting his humor and wallet.
Steve Harvey had a bit in his standup during the 2008 elections that if you're black, then you have an obligation to vote for Obama. He's certainly not a purist when it comes to what's "right" or "best" but rather "what's best for me."