MovieChat Forums > Tom Hardy Discussion > Reading NYE Bedtime Stories!!!!

Reading NYE Bedtime Stories!!!!

When I heard the news I actually thought it was a joke, but OMG Tommy's going to read the kids bedtime story on CBeebies on NYE! (Happy days!)

Technically its 4 kids, but do we care - Nooooooooo! Now I know a lot of females in the U.K. Who don't have kids will still watch it.

Wot a perfect way to move us into the new yr..... Can't wait!!!

Thanx Tommy


sounds lovely(β˜†_β˜†)


When I heard about this I thought it was a wonderful surprise. I love that he pulled this one out of the hat when we least expected it.
I will be definitely tuning in to see Tom reading a bedtime story! I mean seriously this is something only his dear lovely children probably get to hear!!


He is really good in this role.πŸ‘


I watched it and I was entranced.
I want to bring it up on my whiteboard and have my kiddos listen/watch. I think I'll do it today since it's so cold we'll probably have indoor recess. It sounds like the perfect thing for 20 squirrelly 3-5 yr. olds.


Anyone know when is the his next bedtime story ?


His next reading is on Valentine's Day..... Quite fitting really


Aww he's going to be everyone's date on Valentine's Day and even for a few minutes that's just too too lovely.

It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.
