MovieChat Forums > Michael C. Hall Discussion > I fear zat his carreer ends vhen Dexter ...

I fear zat his carreer ends vhen Dexter does

Obviously he is not such a good und talented actor.
He gets ze job done und gets paid.

But Dexter has bin stretched to ze max und ze quality is declining.

Unfortunately, MC Hall now IS Dexter.
Just as Roger Moore IS James Bond.

I fear zat after zis show, MCH will do a few ok movies, but will get panned by ze public vor it. Zat might be ze end..........

Too bad, he deserves bezzer, but made some wrong choises.

Vatever you say, say it in GerMAAAAN!!!!!


Completely disagree. Think hes a awesome actor. He needs to broaden his roles though. Dexter is fairly one dimensional tbh. Since his character is a psychopath he never really shows too much emotion. Atleast not the kind that gives a commanding performance. it would be out of character. The monotone narrating is always the same. That being said he still nails it. I cant see anyone else playing dexter as effectively. Between dexter morgan and david fisher(the gay mortician in six feet under) he seems to be attracted to these oddball roles. Even in gamer he was eccentric. That seems to be his M.O. But he has that off look about him that makes him perfect for them.


I dont think the show is declining myself. Ive really liked this season so far. Last season was nutz to. This show could go on forever as far as im concerned lol. Its like my favorite show ever. I watch them all.


I think he's a great actor but this season of Dexter has made me lose a certain amount of excitement over his career.


Agreed, he will not get into big blockbuster movies. Just like Peter Krause, he was Nate Fischer, but never got another big part in film again.
