MovieChat Forums > Maggie Gyllenhaal Discussion > Is she against gay marriage?

Is she against gay marriage?

I remember reading awhile back that she was against gay marriage, or I should say that she is for the sanctity of traditional marriage (which I see no difference in whatsoever). Does anyone know anything about that?


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See, when I hear the "sancity of traditional marriage", I just think she doesn't believe in having affairs. That people should be monogamous and not get divorced quickly.

I mean you could be right since the word traditional is in there. That's just not the impression I got.


I am opposed to gay marriage. A legally binding union is one thing but marriage should be something unique between a man and a woman. Gay people want a union of some sort thats fine...but dont call it marriage. Thats what I if she is opposed to gay marriage thats grand...more people like that and it will be great.


How people think about their own marriage should have nothing to do with you.


What people think of my opinion should have nothing to do with them...but such is life. Thats the hypocrisy of people nowadays...that they would come out with statements like that. Why gay people are so desperate to be assimiliated into society in exactly the same way is beyond me. Makes one wonder why they even bother to make it an issue. As far as I am concerned two chaps in wedding photos looks comical...a sad attempt at acceptance as opposed to finding an individual approach to publicly expressing their love for one another. Marriage is a special union between genders and two blokes or women doing it cheapens that. They should create their own culture instead of taking away something that is unique between man and woman.


Again frontman sexuality is not a race. Gay people can marry just as easily as I can. They just cant marry the same gender. Their rights in that matter are not being denied. In your example a black man could not marry a white woman but a white man can. In mine a gay person can marry the same people I can marry if they chose to. That is not bigotry because gay people are not getting treated less than straight people. They simply live a lifestyle that means they do not feel inclined to marry someone of the opposing gender. Thats their choice. Nobody is telling them they cant marry. Just that they can only marry the opposing gender just like everyone else.


I cannot marry somebody of the same gender the same as a gay person. With black people the laws were created specifically to oppress them. Gay people are not being oppressed. That gender seperation in marriage was never about excluding gay people unlike the laws that were about excluding black people in some countries. Gay people can exercise the same rights I can so it is not the same as race. I fully expect words like bigotry and homophobia to be thrown at me in this topic on a regular basis. This is how stupid shortsighted people get their kicks after all. I just hope the fallout lands on their doorstep and not mine.
