MovieChat Forums > Sienna Guillory Discussion > Sienna fans unite! Sienna for RE: Retrib...

Sienna fans unite! Sienna for RE: Retribution

Despite what you may have heard Sienna is not officially on board RE 5. If you want her in the film you need to let the film makers know and you can start with the directors wife and producer Milla Jovovich.

It takes seconds. Just go on twitter and tweet the following

@MillaJovovich Sienna for RE: Retribution

Do it!


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Actually, layedcoli might be right, according to Bloody Disgusting they might be looking to replace her. Nothing's been confirmed yet, but it's possible they may recast Jill Valentine (I honestly hope not).

Let's do as layedcoli says and protest this right away!


It's not a rumor. If your a fan then why not take two seconds just to tweet either Milla or Sony Pictures on Twitter and let them know you want her in the film. Otherwise if it goes ahead and they do recast it's gonna be sad times.


I'm not on swatter (or whateer it's called), but like I wrote in the other thread, if Sienna isn't Jill in RETRIBUTION, then I won't wast my time seeing it.

Terry-Thomas: 'You're an absolute shower'


This needs to be sent to @SonyPictures, not Milla.

FWIW, Milla suggested people write to Sony earlier on Twitter. She did not say it was a rumor. I think she would have said if it was, so there may be truth to this.


@SonyPictures @millajovovich @guillorybe I won't support #RE5 if Sienna Guillory is not in the movie. I've been waiting since 2004!!!


WE agree Sienna is Jill Valentine

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill
