Lynne Ramsay

Does anyone else agree that Lynne Ramsay (director of Ratcatcher and Morvern Callar) has a style very compatible with David Gordon Green's? If you haven't seen her stuff, i'd definitely recommend it if you're a Gordon Green fan, especially Ratcatcher.

i bet you have no more friends than an alarm clock


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I think your onto something with this, but I'm not sure though. Ramsay is probably my favorite filmmaker and her work seems in a vague, subtle way connected to Green's. However, I think he is much more based in realism than she is. They come from such drastically different backgrounds though. Truthfully, that may be the connection right there as they both maintain such a strong connection to their origins as all of his pictures take place in the South and hers in Glasglow or surrounding cities. Perhalps it is the cultural considerations...? Both Glasglow and the American gothic south are sort of forgotten places in their own countries, as well as the rest of the world. Perhalps it is in their representation of that is the hearth of their similar atmospheres. Thanks for letting me know there is one more person out there who has seen Ramsay's work.


It's funny to come across this post... years ago, I had a weekend where I was sick, so I stayed in and watched movies, and by sheer coincidence, both Ratcatcher and George Washington arrived from Netflix. Not really knowing much about either film at the time to know how closely they'd resemble one another. So, I watched them as a double feature. And with the two being so remarkably similar in theme, I can't help but compare one film against the other. They're just inextricably held up to one another for me.

Personally, I prefer Ratcatcher to George Washington, and by a long shot. I connected with it so much more. I certainly liked both films, but my connetcion to Ratcatcher was so much stronger that my view of George Washington was somewhat diminished. It's still a good film, I just prefer the other.

Green has always been a director I've respected and admired more than I've "loved," but I happened to catch Snow Angels tonight, and really liked it a lot.
