Remaking Suspiria!?!

I love DGG's films. I think he is one of the best young filmmakers today. I was really surprised when i heard this. I am pretty exited but at the same time flabbergasted.


He's gonna be hated by millions of Argento fans LOL. Love Dario, love Suspiria, but hey no matter how good or bad the remake is the original will always be there.

But of all the remakes this is one I don't get. Suspiria is great due to Argento's directing. Suspiria could have been a disaster with any other filmmaker even if that filmmaker is great.

His visuals, use of colors. This isn't like say Halloween where you can go in other directions or TCM. Suspiria is vewry different. I happen to like both the original Halloween and TCM more than Suspiria so it has nothing to do with disliking those movies why I said that.

But a movie like Suspiria is really gonna be tough to pull off. Unless it strays from what Argento did. And is one of those remakes by name only.

The phone is dead. Do you hear that, Vitus? Even the phone is dead.


Then again, this is such the 'Hollywood' thing to do.

If you're a up & coming Indie director & getting great reviews, Hollywood executives (greedy no-talent a$$holes) take notice, take you under their wing, offer you a ton of money. You take it & end up pissing off fans of the original & then in the end, this once up & coming director becomes a 1 of Hollywood's bitches. The remake ends up making money (due to the dumb people who are force-fed this sh*t, then again they'll see anything their ADD attention spans can handle), even though the remake itself is horrible.

Such a sad & tragic thing, when all he has to do & reject the offer & make more original-types of movies.


Pretty sure DGG isn't doing this for money.


People keep saying that Dario Argento's version is so artistic and different and using that as a reason why it shouldn't be remade. But if you were a filmmaker wouldn't you use that as a reason to justify remaking it? Would anyone really want to remake an original that sucked? I think the fact that Argento sets the bar so high for this project would make it exciting for a young filmmaker to take on such a challenge. DGG probably holds this movie in just as high of regard as anyone else, and that is probably why he is interested in doing it.


People cite Argento's visuals because that's really all there is. As I just stated in another thread...

the majority people only like Suspiria for Argento's direction. The plot is meaningless, the characters two-dimensional and the idea of an everyday location acting as a front for witchcraft completely unoriginal. Therefore, if you remove Argento's direction from the equation you simply have a dull, B-movie horror thriller.

So, why not just take the story and do your own film? Change the character names, change the location and change the title and there you go... an original film! It's that simple. However, producers know that by calling the film "Suspiria", they're tapping into a pre-existing audience, co-opting the cult "brand" and trying to score money off audiences who, when faced with the choice of the big-budget Hollywood film and the little Italian independent production, will always go for the more recent picture.

Argento has never been a great storyteller in the traditional sense. People like his films because his approach to cinema is completely unique. Like most of the great European filmmakers, he's a one-off; and people go to see his films just to see what he'll do next. Sometimes it's great and sometimes it's not so great, but it's always a unique experience.

As a young filmmaker, I'd be more interested in carving out my own personality and my own body of work, as opposed to copying other people's films and trying (in my own misguided American film director-way) to better them.


"Would anyone really want to remake an original that sucked?"

In my humble opinion, those are the best films to remake. The ones that, for whatever reason, could've been great but weren't. Then, not only do you have a good premise to work with, you've got a blueprint of what not to do.

-Bad waves of paranoia. Madness. Fear and loathing.-


Agreed; it's better to remake films that sucked originally.
Why bother to remake a film that's already good?
That was the tragic stupidity of remaking Psycho. It was exactly the same movie, with inferior actors and color. Not worth the rental fee, even as an old release.

And I think it's safe to say that the original Suspiria did indeed suck.
Well, okay, maybe note SAFE to say; there's a lot of Argento fans running around still.... but the original really is an incoherent mess.
The only thing the film does is throw together a bunch of interesting scenes and visuals, and I think that Green can certainly do that well enough.

For the people who have never heard of Suspiria, which is most people, nobody will care that there's a different director.
For the people who have heard of Suspira, and liked it, all several thousand of them, I think most of them will get over the fact that the remake isn't going to be the original film.
One good director making a bunch of interesting visuals is going to be just as good as another good director making interesting visuals.
The only way to screw it up, IMHO, is if Green tries to make a new version of Argento's Suspira, instead of making his own creation.


If the Suspiria remake is still going to be made under Green's direction, I'm wondering if perhaps they might want to recast Suzy.

I have a message for Germany...
