MovieChat Forums > Alejandro G. Iñárritu Discussion > Favorite to Least Favorite

Favorite to Least Favorite

Now that all 3 films to the unofficial trilogy are out, how would you list them in order of preference?

1. Amores Perros (9/10 and my no. 7 of 2001)
2. Babel (8/10 my no. 5, so far, of 2006)
3. 21 Grams (6/10)


1. Babel.
2. Amores Perros.
3. 21 Grams.

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ditto, but I'm also going to take his short films into account here:

Amores Perros
11'09''01 Mexico segment
Powder Keg
21 Grams

Im Kino gewesen. Geweint. ---Franz Kafka


REALLY? you all thought 21 grams was the worst? wow.

1. 21 grams
2. amores perros
3. babel


I haven't seen Babel yet, but I have been a huge fan of 21 grams and seen it a half dozen times. When Babel got nominated for best picture, I figured I should see what else Iñárritu has directed. I rented Amores Perros and I was blown away! I think Amores Perros is a better film than 21 grams, but 21 grams is a favorite of mine because of the beautiful teaming of Penn, Del Toro, Watts and Gainsbourg.

I read in an interview that Iñárritu has said "Melody" is his all-time favorite movie. It's an English film about two children who fall in love. I discovered you can watch it on Google TV and I plan on checking it out.


Just because someone thinks something is the worst doesn't make it a bad film. One of them has to be on the bottom. They're all good. But clearly, Amores Perros is his masterwork.


they're all depressing and forgettable.


AMORES PERROS - A great take on the PULP FICTION style of non chronological storytelling and the horrors of Mexico City, as evidenced by the treatment of their animals. Notice how the people who treat their dogs best are also the most seemingly evil (Emilo Echevarria), and the people who you would like to be friends with treat their dogs horribly (Gael Garcia Bernal and the model).
21 GRAMS - A fascinating take on America and revenge from Innaritu, who pulls career best performances (or nearly best) from Naomi Watts, Benicio Del Toro and Sean Penn (includes terrific glimpses of such fine talent as Clea Duvall, Danny Huston, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Catherine Dent of "The Shield", etc.)...
BABEL - The Best Picture/Director (7 total nominations) contender is the best film of 2006. From Rinko Kikuchi's haunting, physically and emotionally brave turn as a grieving deaf/mute Japanese teen to Adriana Barrazza's heartwrenching role as a Mexican housekeeper who is a key example of the miscommunications implied in the film's biblical title, this is one powerhouse powder keg of a film! With career crowning achievements in acting by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett (what wasn't she in last year?!?), as well as welcome performances from Clifton Collins, Jr. and Michael Pena. Brilliantly photographed in 16mm (Morocco), 35 mm (Mexico/San Diego) and anamorphic 35 mm (Tokyo), this is a great great film!!!

Love them in that order, although all have their moments and they were all at the top or near the top of my fave films lists for those years (2001, 2003, 2006)!!!


1 - Amores Perrores (6\10)
2 - 21 Grams (5\10)
3 - Babel (1\10)

I cant really understand the admiration for inarritus work. his characters are largely stereotyped, they correspond to the stereotype that usually people have of them. the characters never have real life and are pieces to make the story go the way he wants.
what i hate the most is his ambition to always explain the world in a 2 hour piece. he really believes that. theres much more in africa to kids with guns; japanese are not always preverted people, but these correspondes to the usual stereotype we have towards this kind of character.
i think that in ten years no one will remeber these 3 movies. i understand that they make sense to some people at these time but they do not potrait how the world is today, eventhough inarritu's goal is that...
comparing pulp fiction to amores perros is just to much. pulp fiction has too much of what lacks in all inarritu's stories: humour and subtilety... everything in inarritu's movies are so serious and direct, like the truth for him is just like he shows it...
