wasn't credited for her guest-starring role on Human Target
...for some reason.
Today's episode had her as a Russian spy.
Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina.
...for some reason.
Today's episode had her as a Russian spy.
Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina.
She was credited on the show but IMDB isn't instant with updates to resumes.
shareThey,re working on it,her photo is there now,sometimes it takes them a few days to get new episodes updated.
Illigitimi non Carborundum
Eh, I am still heartbroken over Happy Town.
All those great actors, an actually intriguing story line - leave it to ABC to make every mistake in the book.
Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina.
This girl is smoking hot! I just saw her on Human Target. She looked really great on Happy Town (really the only reason I watched that show) but on Human Target she took it to a whole 'nother level! Not only that but she really did a great job with her role - totally believable as a Russian spy. I had to remind myself a few times that she's actually an American.
The whole episode too was very ... sexy, probably my favorite at least this season. Not only did it feature this incredible hottie but the fighting between her and Chance, especially the showdown at the end with Prodigy playing in the background was just ... beautiful. Totally implausible mind you, but that's not unusual on Human Target.
Well, I actually speak Russian, so I have to disagree there.
Also, didn't really care for the blond hair color in this one. She looks better with her natural color.
I guess I should have been more specific. She seemed believable as a Russian to people who don't speak Russian. I know that if you speak the language you won't be fooled. It's not much of a commendation I know, but to me she seemed more Russian than say Angelina Jolie in Salt, or dare I say Harrison Ford in K-19, or (gasp!) Timothy Dalton as Alexei Volkoff in Chuck - probably the worst Russian impression ever. I know that to you they may all seem equally bad.
What exactly was it about her performance that gave you that impression?
Also, her bone structure isn't Slavic.
You used to be much more muchier. You've lost your muchness.