MovieChat Forums > Bill Gates Discussion > I am not a fan by any means but you thin...

I am not a fan by any means but you think it is guilt by association? While Trump Gets off Scott Free.

I would have told Bill that you never can trust a Republican. Although Bill Gates himself is possibly a Republican. Even once in a while Republicans might try to do things that they perceive as good or think others might perceive is good to cover up their sordid past. Bill Gates with his pushing GMOs on third world countries seemed misguided to me.

Here's what he said about hanging out with Epstein.

'"I had several dinners with him, you know, hoping that what he said about getting billions of philanthropy for global health through contacts that he had might emerge," Gates said. "When it looked like that wasn't a real thing, that relationship ended." Republicans are all pedophiles and bathroom predators like Larry Craig. That's why they keep blaming the other side and blathering on about pedophilism because it's that Goebbelsesque (Hitlerean) way of blaming the other side for which they are guilty. They figure if they lie enough and point the finger the other way and lie often enough people are going to believe it. But there is zero proof, they have zero proof unlike the accusations against Trump.

As the queen of hearts said, "Sentence first! Verdict later!" It's possibly that he is being judged and lost his marriage simply because of guilt by association. But his ties to Epstein were nothing as serious as Trump's involvement with Epstein and Ghisslaine Maxwell. Nothing whatsoever. Trump went to Epstein's sex parties and raped the 13 year old victims. Some of them have come forth to say so but no doubt were threatened just like they do in his favorite country Russia and Belarus.

Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit: Did He Abuse 13-Year-Old Girl? Facts To Know About The Child Rape Case

US Republican Rep. Steve King: If not for rape and incest, 'would there be any population left?


all politicians are pedos not just republicans. joe biden is such a ragin pedophiler that he cant help himself and even molests kiddos on live tv in front of everyone. in order to get to high politics israhell has to have some dirt on you to know u will listen to them. they wont let u get into high office unless some mossad agent has a video of u doing some nasty shit


Do you have any proof of that bullshit or are you just pulling it out of your ass?


You just pulled a long one out your ass!


You're ignoring the question. Is this a case of guilt by association?

Seriously. Your name is Satan. No more needs to be said.


If news cameras caught Trump smelling the hair of young girls and touching women to the point that they looked visibly uncomfortable, you'd be posting about it on here non-stop. Biden isn't called Creepy Joe for nothing.

Trump lives in your head rent-free. You come across as unhinged. It's pathetic and funny in equal measure.


You're ignoring the question because you're obsessed with Trump. Is this a case of guilt by association?

But since you bring up Trump again. Are you completely oblivious? News cameras DID catch Trump smelling the hair of young girls like his daughter and even bouncing her on his knee when she was of sexual age
and other times.
They also caught him saying he would date his daughter and asking doctors how long Ivanka can sit in his lap again.

Seems like the lies and myths about Biden live in your head rent free. You come across as stupid. It's pathetic but typical. It truly is Idiocracy in real life. The guy is a great president and everyone knows it. You just have some bizarre brainwashed ideology that prevents you from thinking straight. You just cannot accept that the majority of people disagree with you.


Should we go around sifting through everyone's past looking for something that in hindsight was a bad idea? No. I've known several scumbags, even spent time with some until I realized they were scumbags ... so what? The witchhunting of recent years is getting out of hand.


Kind of hard to get proof, keep it, and keep your life when you go against people who have billions of dollars and so much power, and can make a stupid comment in public and some nut will pick it up on his tin-foil hat and Manchurian Candidate someone that is in their way.


Keep sucking on that democrat cock!!
