He's funny, but

He seems to play the same character in everything I've seen him in. I haven't seen him in much, but I wanted to know if he has ever played a character that is NOT a cute but naive man child. I do enjoy his acting, but I have tons more respect for an actor when they can play more than one character. Are there any of his movies that can be recommended for me to watch?

I find it kind of ironic that your scripture stick has dried blood on it.


You should check him out in "Bubble Boy".

"She filled the blank with a tube of denture cream and a false sense of superiority."


Oh yeah, he's in Bubble Boy! I always forget that, and then when I watch it, I say, "Oh yeah, he's in this". And then I'm pleasantly surprised with his (small) performance.

I find it kind of ironic that your scripture stick has dried blood on it.


"Rogues Gallery"


he's amazing in It's kind of a funny story.


It's Kind of a Funny Story was going to be my answer as well, though I find the title misleading, as it wasn't that funny or enjoyable, IMO.

He's in several scenes of a lesser-known movie called Gigantic. He never speaks, he's just shows up in various outfits as an embodiment of the main character's inner demons.

He also appears in Up in the Air as one of the people upset that he's being fired, but it's little more than a cameo.
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.
