MovieChat Forums > Henry Ford Discussion > very ignorant and uneducated..

very ignorant and uneducated..

but he knew cars.


he is an American industrial legend that will live into history for centuries to come with his companies legacy. you have a piece of paper that makes you feel like a special little flower but nobody else gives a shit. every dumbass off the streets has "education" these days. the over edumicated are the most pitiful characters around, their arrogance and pride dont reflect how everyone else looks at em. shove ur degree up ur ass nerd!


Haha. Settle down Beavis ...😂
While I think an education is important to a point. I don't think people need to go to college and blow thousands of dollars. I did and it was a waste. Specialization is the key. Go to trade schools.


honestly fuck trade schools too. dangerous and hard work environments for average pay. selling drugs illegally is a safer and more healthy career choice than breathing in all those chemicals working those trade jobs everyone is ranting and raving about
