Paul Fix on Big Valley
Just saw a great ep on BV with Paul Fix as an older cowboy who seems like he's not the man he used to be. The Barkelys offer him an easier job at the same pay, but he gets po'd. He quits but no one else will hire him. He's too proud and too old !
They caught him sleeping in the saddle while they were trying to capture a particularly mean stallion. He denies it and figures he's still better than any of them based on his past accomplishments, which are considerable.
The funny thing is, he's 60 years old. He looks at least ten years older. I'm almost 60, and I wouldn't offer to bust any Broncs, I don't think I look quite as worn out as Paul Fix did.
Is this what people think 60 yo people look like? If so, I'm going to crawl into a hole and die.