Why did he mumble his lines?
I hadn't heard of this actor until now. Then I watched him in 'Charlie Chan In Egypt. I took an immediate dislike to his character Snowshoes. What is he doing mumbling his lines? And why do we have to have a black character from the Deep South in a story set in Egypt?
I checked any other mysteries he was in to avoid seeing him in future. I came across only one movie that fitted that bill. 'Miracle In Harlem' (1948) with it's unusual poster. Unusual because all the people on it are black. So I watched a clip from the movie. Stepin Fetchit is on the entire clip. I started laughing at his character who is dressed in an oversized check jacket. He isn't mumbling his lines. He is surrounded by fellow blacks in a story for them.
Then I read a very interesting biography of him on IMDb. One sentence really caught my attention in particular. In it explained how Stepin Fetchit would mumble his lines if he didn't like that part of the dialogue.
It's strange how you can take an instant dislike to a person and then by reading about them you find yourself trying to understand their motives at least. Black defiance.