Lara Croft

If there is to be another Tomb Raider movie I would suggest that Rebecca is a good shout for this movie! She's got the accent pretty done par, she has the dark haired look and has proved she can handle herself in Mission Impossible. She's also got the sex-factor as she is a rare beauty! She is also a relative unknown so she's not going to bring any baggage or pre-conceived franchise crossovers here like if you were to get Anne Hathaway for example who is known for playing Catwoman.


Good shout, and she is gorgeous, works for me


She's be fantastic but she's s bit old, Lara is supposed to be early 20s



Rebecca Ferguson as Lara Croft + Kathryn Bigelow as director = mindblow

DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If there weren't a reboot in the works, the next best thing would simply be to take the creative license to set the story later in the life of Lara Croft. Between her level of fitness, and the ever-increasing ability in Hollywood to film grueling action pieces with aging actors (think everyone who has ever appeared in an Expendables film), Ferguson would be capable of portraying Croft well into middle age and beyond.

The real question is, unless they found away to significantly improve the material, would Ferguson really want to step into a fairly shallow video game character role? Perhaps about ten years out, after the reboot and likely sequels have played themselves out, when she might seek to introduce herself to the younger generation, she could do something interesting with such a role familiar to parents and kids alike, but right now she deserves better fare.

"I like to watch."  Chauncey Gardiner, 'Being There'


To me Lara Croft works better as a character in/near her 30s, like Indiana Jones.


excellent idea she is perfect


Only in the new games which explore her origin story is she in her early 20s. In the earlier games she is around 28-30+ years old. I'd be a little annoyed if we got a movie and it was an "origin story" type movie since we already have the games. I'd want more of an original plot from her more established years.
