feige really gives billbrown furriosstyle tjlamb etc an handsome amount of money to write fake news about dceu
those guys dceu releated news is fake as an oscar winning mcu film
sharethose guys dceu releated news is fake as an oscar winning mcu film
shareIs it strange that for all of your Snyder adoration that he hasn't felt kind enough to kick you down a few Simoleons?
What's that you say, that doesn't happen for anyone?
i forgot to mention your name on list
sharethank you for putting my name first...
this was an unintentional mistake on your part that confirms you hate me most which then confirms I'm bothering you Most....
This makes me extremely happy
I've taken a different trolling tactic with you than others, Instead of arguing your points like everyone else I see no point, as I know you dont actually care about DC,The DCEU or The MCU, I know you are in fact just a regular troll trolling The DC vs Marvel fanbase
So instead of arguing your points, I instead point out how when you get to base/core on Your troll threads, they either doesnt actually make sense or whatever you say backfires
for example, the other day, You made a thread claiming Titans was better than any of the Netflix series...
Its clear you made this thread to get people to argue the Netflix series is better than Titans...to argue Marvel is better than DC...
But I instead decided to obliterate you in a different way....Pointing out The thread you made ONLY does harm to YOU....Its a Huge Backfire...
You have not seen any or all of the Netflix series...Therefor you can not possibly say or conclude Titans is better...
By doing so you just rendered you and Your Opinion MEANINGLESS...
in the history of the internet if there one thing you can do to make people instantly disregard you and your opinion its judge a film or tv show GOOD or Bad without actually seeing...Its the #1 "NO NO"
to add even more insult to injury, Titans isnt even complete yet, Meaning You watched 3 episodes of a 10 episodes show and Judged it better than 8 seasons that you have not watched a single episode of
you clearly never thought this through....You didnt realize by making this troll thread the ONLY possible damage it could do was to YOU....
You didnt realize by making this troll thread it Literally rendered you and Your Opinions meaningless/biased
This is what I do with all your troll threads, they are all so poorly conceived and thought out, they all ether do not actually makes sense or Backfire and Embarrass you....
I'm quite glad to see this trolling tactic I'm using is clearly getting to you and really bothering you as you revealed this to be true by unintentionally adding my name first...this clearly suggest I was on your mind MOST....
which again Makes me truly happy
Fiege Must also be Paying WB itself......You know because Ummmmm WB has ENDED The DCEU....
lol WB is the single Most provider for Negative News of The DCEU....The Last 3 years has been nothing but Negative Headlines from WB...
Hiring and firing 4 different people to run The DCEU branch...
Wildly interfering in The Post Production of BvS,SS and JL, resulting In Furious fan backlash from thier own fans....
Consisent Protesting form thier own Fan base demanding WB to release The Snyder cut
WB Making Headlining every few months but announcing Affleck is Out......The Cavil Is Out.....Then Suicide Squad 2 is DEAD instead Being Rebooted by James Gunn....
basically WB is the source of The Most negative News around The DCEU....
so you either got to accept....
Fiege has paid of WB to intentionally sabotage The DCEU...
Or You got to accept, WB simply is incredibly disappointed and embarrassed by The horrific failings of 4 out of the 5 DCEU films and has been doing everything in thier power to try and fix and correct it, which has lead to Dozens of Negative News articles in WBs attempt to Cut out the cancer that is Snyder's DCEU....
as usual DCEUfan....bad trolling....
Not a good idea to suggest "Negative News" about The DCEU is fake.....When The Biggest contributor of The Negative News is WB itself...
PS...You do realize, We arent writing anything right? we arent Creating Fake News....
We are just reposting and commenting on the facts and articles written by All other sites....
I always laugh when your friend Andre tries to say "fuck you fake News sites, You are biased",,,,and Then he literally has to list every single News site.....
lol It would be one thing if you or andre could point to 1 or 2 Sites as biased, But Hilariously, Every single Major site is reporting the same Negative News, The same articles of The DCEU's failures....You guys literally have to say "Nope dont care, every single News site there is is biased"
lol when you literally cant point to a single a major site anymore thats Not "Biased" ....lol you have a problem....
Basically The Hate and Mockery Of The DCEU is so universally, you now have to claim every single websites Is "Shit" and Biased....
so lets recap, do not forget to Add WB to Fiege's Pay role as well....
do not forget to Add All Major websites that all report the same exact embarrassing failures of The DCEU to Fiege's Pay role
do not forget to Add Hundreds of Professional Critics around the world, who's dedicated their lives to the film Industry who all have clearly taken Bribes to hate 4 of the 5 DCEU films
dont forget to add the Hundreds of employee's that work for Cinemascore that went on all over The Nation the night BvS,SS and JL opened and did polls asking audiences what they thought of the films and the results were Audiences Hated The DCEU films giving them the same score as Catwoman and Green Lantern....Its clear Fiege got to all these People who clearly were paid to report Negative findings
and Lastly do not forget to add YOUR OWN Fan base to Feige Pay role, because even your own fan base Hates 4 of the 5 DCEU films, even your own Fan base is happy and excited WB is rebooted and recasting everything
just an Epic fail.....and worse trolling....
The Hate and Mockery of The DCEU is so universal and shared by so many....You even touching The subject that its FAKE should have been a no go topic...
congrats Feige is either the single Greatest Briber in the history of the world Pulling off The Greatest conspiracy of all time, Paying Off Literally Millions of People around the world including wB itself whom Makes these movies, Its fan base and critics .....and whats more astonishing, He did it without a single Person refusing his offer...
Lets face it, If you were a 70 year old professional critic and Feige Showed up to your door with a bag of money and made you "The Offer"....If you refused, would NOT The first thing you would do was go to the Media which would then result in a Media storm...
lol The fact that there hasnt been a single Person report Feige Bribed them ....either means, Feige didnt bribe anyone or Fiege Bribed EVERYONE without a single soul saying no!
lol Its become clear at this point, you truly are just this bad at trolling, but these are some of the things you need to think about before making troll threads....
If you think about this thread and what you are suggesting, It Literally doesnt make sense...You arent just making bad troll threads, you are making Troll threads that dont actually make sense
Holy crap are you full of yourself!
shareI have reason to be.....
DCEUfan constantly mentions me in his posts.....Meaning I'm bothering him....
I wouldnt be bragging if DCEUfan wasnt clearly admitting I'm getting to him....
for awhile I thought DCEUfan had me blocked because He Literally never once replied to anything I said....
But then I changed tactics and started pointing out how each troll thread he makes fundamentally doesnt actual makes sense if you think about or whatever he said while trying to troll usually backfires and makes him look bad...
and suddenly DCEUfan started replying to everything I said, started Mentioning me in posts and Now created a thread with Me LISTED first....
These are clearly indications, I am really starting to bother DCEUfan(which is my goal) and something that makes me truly happy....
So yes, I will happily admit to being full of myself in this case, DCEUfan is showing all the signs that I am bothering him and I will gladly point it out
He mentions me as well. I just don’t feel the need to clutter up every thread with 50,000 words of literary diarrhea
shareI'm a billionaire who has his own private island and jet and wife and kids what you guys got ??
shareThe feeling we get being superior to you.
shareIm a billionaire I won stakes in every big companies lol
shareGood god you're stupid
shareIm a billionaire I won stakes in every big companies lolThat would make more sense if it read tis way...
I'm 48 year old I'm not a kid
share[–] DceuFanticArmy (1036) an hour agoAllow me to assist you with that sentence:
I'm 48 year old I'm not a kid
Or “I’m a teenaged pathological liar who craves attention. Love me, Mommy! Love me!!!!!”
shareHe mentions me as well. I just don’t feel the need to clutter up every thread with 50,000 words of literary diarrhea
then you arent doing your job!
Our job is to make DCEUfan's life hell....when we get conformation from DCEUfan that we are in fact bothering him like he did with this thread...
you(Like Me) should have taken great joy in it ....
step up your game.....DCEUfan deserves better! he deserves for you to take great joy his trolling mistakes....This thread was an accidentally slip where he revealed the posters that are bothering him most...
HAhaha I don't feel bother by you who is in a payroll of daddy feige
shareHAhaha I don't feel bother by you who is in a payroll of daddy feige
thank you....once again you accidentally revealed I'm bothering you....
In every single other reply you've sent me you simply say "How much daddy feige pays you ? Lol "......
at least 10 times now...never anything else.....until now!
now you just HAD to add "I dont fell bother(which I assume you mean BOTHERED)"
quite simply put....You just made a classic trolling mistake....You changed course....
you repeated the same response for weeks now, never changing or adding anything to it....But now you decide to add to the statement....Hummmm... Its almost like I said something that BOTHERED YOU and it made you change course and feel the need to respond differently....
just an Epic fail on your part...You would been much better of either A. Not responding at All or B. just simply continuing repeating the same "Daddy Feige" comment....
But instead you accidentally responded with a post that 1000% confirms I'm in fact bothering you....
Oh ....you are so bothered.
DCEU - one Oscar.
MCU - 3 Oscars.
he he he he