I remember when he was on Life As We Know It (great show which I have no idea why it got cancelled)! And he was (and still is) the sexiest guy in the world! Mmmm.


dude, you gotta watch Never Back Down if you think he looked good in LAWKI!
Boy grew up...:p or well, his body did, and the badboy image suits him soo well..
Loved him as Dino too though :p

"dude, your confusing reality with porn again"


He is so f-cking sexy, yes.

I watched Never Back Down half brain-dead because all of my higher brain function just completely shut off every time he came on screen. And took off his shirt. And got all sweaty. And rolled around on the floor with other guys, grunting and struggling and grappling and groaning and.. and... omg.


Yes he is very very hot in Life as we know it..
