MovieChat Forums > Chris Evans Discussion > was he in any of the american pie movies...

was he in any of the american pie movies? or am i thinking of chris something else with red hair?



He was in Not Another Teen movie which spoofed them - perhaps you’re remembering that?


no it wasn't that it was the first american pie movie. i guess i'ts chris klein i'm thinking of bc they have similar names. but what is the name of the nerdy redhead in amercan pie?


Chris Owen. Spitting image.


well there you go. no wonder i've always been confused about chris evans being in this movie and no wonder i've always wrongly switched chris evans name with chris klein's name and chris owen's name. all three of them have such similar names. chris owen, chris evans very similar names.


They could be triplets.


Yeah, i also think that's what the OP is getting mixed up about.

Edit: Probably a mix of confusion. I'm not sure how you confuse Chris Evans with Chris Klein just because they share a first name. They have wildly different careers & levels of fame.


Chris Klein was in the American Pie movies, but not Chris Evans.
