All the best from this Brit with a soft spot for the US. I hope the elections go well. Most of all I hope whoever wins, you avoid the divided country that I live in now with half the country resenting the other half. It seems to be getting worse rather than better. The political class in both Europe and America have allowed the have nots to get poorer as the rich thrive and they've turned in frustration to false friends. My interpretation.
The most unforgivable thing Trump has ever done is something that was on the BBC this morning. He told you to "Dream Big". How could he? THAT'S CHRIS'S LINE!!!!! He often writes that when he signs his name, especially for children.
What's Chris going to do? Abandon or reclaim? I say reclaim.
Dream big, my friends. Dream big.
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
How do I feel? Erm, odd. I feel defeated, resigned, humbled and fearful.
Where shall I start? Fearful. There are so many similarities with Brexit. Like us, America is now divided down the middle and the worrying thing is that the two sides are more fiercely opposed to each other than is the norm in elections. It's not just normal political differences but two almost irreconcilably different views of the world. I was glad to hear Trump talking about uniting America because it's going to be a big job. Over here what has upset me is the way the winners are completely dismissive of the losers even though we're almost half the voters. The Brexit side also included many anti-immigrant and/or racist voices and some of those people now have the attitude 'we won so I can be as openly intolerant as I want now'. You may well find that in the US now.
Defeated and resigned because I sat up all night watching the BBC News channel and as the night went on I just felt my interest in politics drain from me. I think I've lost a bit of my fight. I kind of feel OK you guys are in control now, let's see what you can do and what promises you can deliver on. Over to you.
Humbled for two reasons. One that this has happened because, as I said the other day, the present political structures have let the poor get poorer and the rich get richer and they are angry. Also I'm having to get my head around the fact that there are certain liberal beliefs that I have like tolerance of others and their right to be different, equality of the sexes, equal rights for gay couples etc and I kind of presumed they were so fundamental that most people agreed. Well, at least half the population don't and I was naive to presume.
I could add 'frustrated'. In Brexit a lot of the leaders of that campaign were well-off, well connect, out of touch members of the ruling establishment but successfully passed themselves off as representing the 'little guy' and people fell for it. Same in the States. Trump is not a 'little guy'. He has his own plane for God's sake and the Republican party who now have total control is run by members of the establishment that Trump voters are sick off. Yet Trumpiters point to other establishment figures or liberal celebrities and criticise them for being the same as the people they support. It's too ironic for words.
You said in a post Zac that celebrities are perceived as out of touch and over privileged so being pro-Clinton didn't do any good for her in the eyes of people struggling to make ends meet. Chris (there you go, got him in!) is himself guilty of this and he is one of the least celebrity-like celebrities around. Nevertheless, a well known liberal, within a few hours of tweeting about his stay in a high class, hugely expensive resort most Trump voters couldn't afford a cup of coffee in, he's tweeting his obvious anti-Trump feelings. It's not long since he was doing the same about his stay in Caesar's Palace Nobu. Again he's advertising that his life is beyond the dreams of most Trump supporters and so they think liberal celebrities don't get it. I agree with his tweets but he needs to step out of his head, step into the head of someone who doesn't really know how they are going to afford this week's grocery bill and then look back at himself.
I think it would be a good thing if when looking for blame for this frankly awful situation we should start with ourselves. I blame myself, I blame celebrities and I blame the liberal/left establishment. Myself because I've taken it for granted that my opinions are right and most people agree with me. Celebrities because they live in a parallel universe of privilege and it makes Clinton look out of touch when they focus in on Trump's odious pronouncements but don't try hard enough to understand why people are turning to him. Finally, the liberal/left establishment has achieved huge things for minorities and I wholeheartedly applaud that but they've neglected what should be their core voters (should they have gone for Bernie?) who now want a divorce and have turned to someone else. I happen to believe their new partner doesn't really love them and is going make their lives worse.
What I really want to do now is go to bed. For five years. At least you can vote him out in a few years, we can't vote ourselves back into the European Union. Lucky you.
PS Edit.
This is just me trying to be optimistic and trying to understand how decent people can vote this way. There is always the chance that it's because most people are racist, sexist, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynist b4st4rds. I guess.
"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.
That was an interesting read. I'd love someone to tweet a link to Chris and see if he has a reaction.
So in a nutshell it's the story on both sides of the Atlantic of how the liberal left lost the support of the working class. In future years students will be writing papers about this.
part of the post-mortem will include the corruption of the DNC. even if she didn't necessarily deserve it, HRC became the face of political corruption in the US, and the public voted against that rather than for trump, IMHO.
unfortunately, the very negative role of religion must again be raised. the author christopher hitchens main criticism of religion is that it courts that side of us that wants a master and commander and dictator, which is precisely what happened--80% of evangelicals voted for trump. many people are single issue voters, and the syrian conflict and the resulting refuge crisis with a threat of a large influx of immigrants loomed large. and as far as i can tell, the syrian crisis boils down to the age old sunni vs shia conflict. its presence allowed trump to feed his base.
i am comforted, BssM, to see that you are trucking on despite brexit. the same will happen in the US, though i fear the worst for the LGBT, with pence in the VP seat and putin reaching out.
unfortunately, the very negative role of religion must again be raised. the author christopher hitchens main criticism of religion is that it courts that side of us that wants a master and commander and dictator, which is precisely what happened--80% of evangelicals voted for trump. It often comes down to a fear of there being nobody in control. It's scary to think it's all just random and there's no master plan.
@Bssm84 Interesting. Sadly I'm tending towards your PS edit. I need to be more charitable, maybe. I actually agree with your point about celebrity endorsements being a double edged sword. For every teenager going 'wow, X supports Clinton she must be great' theres a thirty something worrying about the rent and getting their kid a new bag for school going 'what the hell do you know? You spend more at a restaurant than would pay for my rent.' Tricky. I think Chris's tweets about his luxury stays coud maybe be a repay publicity for a discount. Which is silly because he doesn't need one. I'm not the only one to suspect this But in times of hardship and austerity for average families its a bit tactless. Cant pay your rent? Never mind, I'm having a great time. Sorry Chris I adore you totally but keep those things to yourself. Tell me if you've been camping in the woods but keep the upmarket breaks to yourself, my treasure, I'm really not interested at the moment.
But the fact we're even discussing this as an issue shows how divided weve become. Not just America. I read the other day that if there was a vote in France now like there was in the UK they would vote to leave the EU too. Everybody just seems to be angry with everyone else. I am myself I admit. Its right across Europe and the USA society is fractured don't the middle. We need a Nelson Mandela figure not Trump.
it may be scary, but that we're completely on our own with no master plan is what all the data supports. one cannot prove definitively that there is no one running the show, but when one looks at the face of the world today and the entire stretch of human history, it's impossible to say that there is something running the show that is on our side, and nothing but misery and sorrow follows wherever human beings claim not only that there is such a thing, but that they know its mind, which is impossible. a fight is started over nothing that is impossible to settle as a result (are unicorns pink or white?), and it spirals out of control. that's basically the history of homophobia in a nutshell, actually, and is the same as sunni vs shia, or protestant vs catholic, or catholic vs evangelical, or evangelical vs methodist.
many people are single issue voters, and the syrian conflict and the resulting refuge crisis with a threat of a large influx of immigrants loomed large. That's been huge in Europe too. Hungary is being really stroppy about it especially. The EU govt was trying to dictate to individual countries how many refugees to take because Germany (where Chris filmed part of Civil War *) was just taking them all and gradually sinking. People did point out to Hungary how many Hungarian refugees were taken in after the 1956 uprising but answer was always but these refugees are Muslims! They'll eat our children. Actually, quite a few are Christians too. ISIS don't like Arab Christians apparently!!
@Karlacev Some fair points to be honest.
Anyway, I've just come off the phone to a friend who's nursing her brother and only sibling through the final phases of terminal cancer. He's only 49 and has two little kids cause he didn't get married till his late 30s. It kind of puts it in perspective and reminded me we have to appreciate each other now, warts and all. I can't bring myself to like Trump but I'll work on the anger issues. Promise.
* that was the compulsory link to The Evans as dictated by comrade Zak.
PS The reaction of the leader of The Labour Party (which is the one I vote for, in case you care)