Letterman Owned!

Did anyone catch Letterman with Chris Elliott? I don't think it was a rerun. Anyways, Chris came out with a laptop and set it up on the chair next to him. He told dave he was typing live to his website for fans who couldn't stay up late. He kept saying b.s. stuff (I wish I could remember offhand but I was so in awe of how he took control of the interview I forgot!) But anyways after every few sentences he would turn around and start typing while narrating, like "Thought fatherhood would change him but I was wrong." It was awesome. Chris started telling some elaborate story about how Dave's wife owns a candle shop in Greenwich. Which got a good laugh, and the only time Dave took control of the interview was when he said "What's the name of my wife's candle shop?" Chris picked it right back up.

I am not even the biggest Chris Elliott fan, but I was seriously impressed how he owned David Letterman.

Go download it or something...it was beautiful!


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He he. Yeah. He does that pretty much every time he's on Letterman. It's him and Letterman's shtick. If you see Chris Elliott interviewed anywhere else, he doesn't goof off as much. I just always laugh at how when he's on Letterman you just see Letterman kind of let him go and Letterman just laughs and laughs. then you can hear Paul Schaffer laughing off screen. it's kind of like old friends getting back together again. They work off each other so well, and I imagine that each of them has a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for each other.
