Bond aint Black
aint gonna happen
shareBut he does come from "literature". And do you know what you do with this, "literature"? You reinvent it. His character can occupy present day and still maintain his qualities while being black. Oh- and get this...he could be a woman too.
shareBond will one day be played by a non-Caucasian/"white" actor. Enjoy !
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .
No problem with his color skin at all i love Idris but he's old for the role
shareI'd like him to do a one-off with Steven Soderbergh. I think it would be intriguing. Perhaps a bit more like Timothy Dalton's Bond. He is aging out though. You're 100% correct.
shareyeah but thats like making Kunta Kinte white
sharedoubt it
shareKunta existed. Bond did not.
That said... I don't think it's necessary to have Idris play Bond as in using the name "Bond" - could be the same premise "spy, gadgets, working for the British Intel" etc... but different name.
can't outrun your own shadow
Doubt it if you want, but it's gonna happen. As PC as Hollywood is, it's inevitable. I'm personally cool with it. Not to push an agenda, just because I think it's a good fit.