MovieChat Forums > Chiwetel Ejiofor Discussion > How has he not booked tons of future pro...

How has he not booked tons of future projects?

If he were a white actor, after the kind of praise/reception he got from Telluride/TIFF, he would be getting offers left and right.


To be fair it is still too soon for him to get a slew of offers after a couple of weeks of this film making the festival rounds. That being said the real question is why he wasn't getting many more offers after his work in "Dirty Prety Things", "Tsunami", "Kinky Boots" (the latter two he recieved Golden Globe noms for) and his award-winning stage work for Othello?

But then again one can ask why Michael B. Jordan hasn't gotten at least two to three major offes from studios after blowing away people during Sunance ("Fruitvale"). And further back why the opportunities didn't rol in for John Boyega....and Anthony Mackie...and Derek Luke...and Jeffrey Wright after they all got one or two big roles that announced them on the scene. Great roles from great scripts are Hollywood's version of gold and the folks in La-La Land only lke handing out those nuggets to white males (even white female roles are mostly brainless girlfriend parts). Even Denzel Washington and Will Smith have to settle for B-leevl scripts that A-list white actors pass on or are never insultingly offered in the first place.


I have a feeling things are gonna change a great deal now for our favorite actor.  If you guys loved him before, brace yourselves for his work in '12 years'.  He's absolutely stellar in this role.

I agree with you to a point however most of his roles from the last few years are leads (Shadowline, Dancing on the Edge, Half of a yellow Sun, 12 years and next up is the film version of Season in the Congo) but I wonder how many actually are offered to him but he himself turns them down.  He gave an interview years ago where he said many of the scripts that are sent to him or his team, are rejected.  From his interviews, he seems to look for a certain quality in a character/role.  So for instance a lead role in a Tyler Perry film, playing an empty character opposite Madea wouldn't work for him. I have a feeling it's more likely a question of whether the roles interest him (full stop), lead or not.

Just this past August, the producers of Doctor Who who seemed to be chasing him forever said they'd offered Chiwetel the lead in that series but HE turned it down himself.  So again the offers come in but...

Also some folks may disagree with me but Michael Jordan, Derek Luke and even John Boyega are absolutely no comparison to Chiwetel talentwise.  They're all great actors, but I just think Chiwetel, Jeffrey Wright and even Anthony Mackie take the lead in terms of range.


Well, guys like Jordan and Boyega are much younger and have no true theater training. That doesn't mean they don't have talent to spare. People forgot just how talented Derek Luke was until his guest stint this year in "The Americans". Heck, I can recall a person on IMDB dogging Ejiofor a few years back by claiming he is no Denzel Washington. His main evidence was that Washington by the same stage of his career was far more established and accomplished in film; meanwhile Ejiofor's career mostly consisted of supporting parts in movies that varied in quality. I told that guy that it was all about opportunity. If Ejiofor got the same opportunities as Washington he would prove himself to be just as formidable if not more. So now I will make a somewhat similar case for young dudes like Jordan and Boyega. Don't sell them short, wait until they get more oportunities.

Back to Ejiofor the fact that he hasn't been in a Tyler Perry movie further confirms his greatness and intelligence. One of my main knocks against Idris Elba is that he will chase any bad role as long as it helps put him in the spotlight. That's one reason why he actually starred in a Tyler Perry movie.



That's the truth,for real----practically every time a young,white, talented Brit actor/actress rolls up on the scene, he/she can make that move to Hollywood and the roles will just roll in for them. Even if they don't turn out to be the "next big thing" they were all hyped up to be,they still get keep on getting the good roles,anyway. They don't do the same with young talented, Brit actors of color,though,at all, and it's a crying shame.

To be fair, people can dog the hell out of Tyler Perry all they want----but the reality is, he gives talented black actors/actresses chances to shine that they don't normally get in Hollywood films, plain and simple. He has actually made a few really good movies that don't even have Madea in them----FOR COLORED GIRLS, GOOD DEEDS, THE FAMILY THAT PREYS, MEET THE BROWNS, and I CAN DO BAD BY MYSELF. Haven't seen WE THE PEEPLES yet (which he just produced--he didn't direct it) but will check it out. I mean Adam Sandler makes even worse films than Perry, yet Perry gets all the hate--go figure.


Stop playing the race card, word is he's been offered a part in Star Wars: Episode VII which is due to start shooting in a few months.



"Race card", my a$$----you know damn well an equally talented white actor like Ejiofor would have declared the "next big thing" years ago after doing a film like DIRTY PRETTY THINGS or even KINKY BOOTS. Yeah, he got offered the part,but that's only now after he's getting all this current hype---and after having paid his dues in the biz for hwell over a decade. Cool to hear that he WAS offered the Doctor Who, possibly because he didn't want to be tied down to a TV series and lose other opportunities. Quite a shame, because I believe he would've just killed it as the Doctor,anyway!


Save your 'race card' silencer bs! It is what it is. Come back to me when you live this life.

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