Let's talk the reviews about his last movie "The Double":
The film rests on Jesse Eisenberg's shoulders, all four of them to be precise. Dual-roles are nothing new but still very impressive to pull off and Eisenberg manages to convey these two polar opposite characters with remarkable ease. [...]
Eisenberg tackles the two very different characters with ease and shows the confident *beep* of one and the timid non-entity of the other, often on the very same screen at the same time.
Eisenberg owns the film. It’s his best role – well, roles – since The Social Network. [...]
But then along came James Simon, also played by Eisenberg – a polar opposite of that typical Eisenberg trope and one he played with pure exacting finesse. It was great to see, and Eisenberg brilliantly depicted Simon's descent into madness and James' shenanigans which kicked it all off.
http://www.3news.co.nz/The-Double-review/tabid/418/articleID/353573/De fault.aspx#ixzz384Xf0SCq
"The acting in this film is all around very good. Eisenberg gives a very surprising performance as both Simon and James.
As Simon, Eisenberg is basically playing the same role he’s repeated throughout more than half of his career thus far, the socially awkward inept dweeb. As James, though, Eisenberg shows range that I’ve never seen him do before. Eisenberg may have been good in films like The Social Network, but his range has never been pushed this far. As James, Eisenberg is controlling, menacing and even at times, surprisingly a little suave. His performance as Simon takes a change in range as well, as Simon begins to lose it. When Simon starts to become insane and has a breakdown, Eisenberg performs so well he’s practically playing a completely different character than the one that he did at the beginning of the film".