I rarely write

silly fan things, but I must say that this man is beyond talented, beyond sexy, & literally eats ANYONE else up onscreen! Should be Hollywood elite, picking & choosing amongst hundreds of movies like chocolates in a huge box. I ADORE this man!


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There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.


agreed as well. what is your favorite performance?


I agree with you. He's a very underrated film star. I would love to see him in more movies. He does a god American accent.


LOL. I meant good!!!


Weluvks he does do a great Am accent but I love his real voice more.You should check out Joel Edgerton Miscellany(and a little dash of Nash) on tumbler. a great site with tons of posts about him and his brother. I've had my share of celebrity crushes over the years, but Joel is by far the most beautiful on the inside as out.
