MovieChat Forums > Joel Edgerton Discussion > How is his name pronounced? Help!

How is his name pronounced? Help!

Calling all Aussies! Can somebody PLEASE tell me how his last name is pronounced? I wondered about it for a long time, until I saw the trailer for The Hard Word. They said Egger-ton. I thought, sweet, so it is. Maybe a little different from what I thought, but there.

And now, NOW I watch the trailer for All the Way, and they say EDGER-ton! It sounded so bad! But maybe it’s right? I’m hoping Americans just messed it up, since this –as we know – isn’t the original thing anyway, but the American version. Off hand, I cannot find a trailer for “The Night We Called it a Day” (I was hoping it would be an Aussie announcer who knows what he’s doing and who knows the proper pronunciation of, well, the movie’s leading actor).

I’m confused and frustrated. (Somebody call the wambulance.) Any help would be much appreciated.


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sorry I can't help you.I alway tought it was Edg-erton but now.. you make me wonder what it is..


well, im an Australian, and Joel is quite famous here, he was on a show called the secret life of us of TV. On that he was announced as Joel ED-GER-ton, and thats how most Aussies would pronounce it as well

"I'm the man" - Bill


Hi. I'm American and my name is Sue EDGERTON. The name is British in origin and my family pronounces it "Edge-R-Ton" so that is how I assume Joel does. I get irritated when people mispronounce it (in my opinion) as Ed-GAR-TON, but since it is not a very common name here, I try to make allowances.

I am very interested in contacting Joel to see if by some slim chance we are related. Would you happen to know the address of his fan club or his management?

Sue from Southgate, MI, USA


I'm an Aussie, and I'm pretty sure that phoneticaly its edge-er-ton. ;) Much love for The Edge, especially in Secret Life. Will was such a sweety!


yup definitely edge-er-ton.
Rachel Griffiths is a close friend of his and that's how she says it.


i agree...definatly edge-er-ton


I'm an Aussie too. Loved Joel's work for years. It's correct pronunciation is Joel EDD-JER-TEN. When you say Edgerton, you place heightened emphasis on the sounds of the D and the G letters and the O is pronounces as an E. Just say EDGE-erton.
