
He's a super awesome guy. A friend of mine was in the army and he said he and a few friends were on leave in California and Kevin went up to them and thanked them for their service and bought them drinks. Kevin then friended my friend on Facebook. Another time the met a Paul Walker and he paid their whole tab.


That's great!!!! Knowing a few actors myself, many people don't realize there's a real live human being playing this character you/they like. Some are jerks and let their stardom go to their heads, and then there's others like Kevin and Paul (may he rest in peace) who are just regular, respected, and respectful guys just like you or me. I don't know either, but would have loved to have met Paul, I've heard many great things about him. That being said, I'd almost give my right arm to meet and get to know Kevin. He sounds like a man you'd want as a good friend.
