What you have read of him and what is you opinion about it
Crime and Punishment is my favorite novel hands down.
Brothers Karamazov: the devil part is my favorite psychological deep about guilt and self-destruction
Ivan subconsciously knows Smerdiakov is going to commit suicide so he waits to destroy Dimitri knowing the guilt would almost kill him too. The kids were obviously a critic of the "new" generation of young socialist and atheist pro-science Russians
All the part of the staret Sozima is beautiful and a great commentary about the volubility of the masses
Memories of the underground I like it partially is not my favorite even when I think is very autobiographical and gives us good light on how Dostoyevski saw himself, find it a little similar to the diary of a superfluous man from
The Double: my least favorite is not bad is just not crimen and punishment either
The next one would be The Idiot I hope to have read all his work the next year