Great Villian

Up until I saw him in Raising Hope I had only seen Garret Dillahunt play villians. Burn Notice and Criminal Minds. He played such a "good" bad guy I never thought he'd be able to pull off playing a "normal" character. He is an amazing actor. Quickly becoming on of my favorites.


Along the same lines, I only knew him as the Big Bad from Life (he was great) until I rewatched No Country For Old Men, where he was the simple Texas sheriff's deputy. Barely recognized him, but damn if he didn't fit right into the role (though it was small).


Holy crapper. I never recognized him. As soon as read your post it hit me. This guy is a great actor. Bout time he gets the good roles he deserves.


This guy rocks. He played 2 very different, fascinating characters (in different seasons) on HBO's "Deadwood." If u like this guy you gotta watch Deadwood. It blows my mind that it's the same actor who is so funny in Raising Hope.

I also loved him as Roman in "Life" (severely under-rated show).

I'm convinced this guy can play ANY character.


Yes he does play a great villain, he also played a villain in the tv series WHITE COLLAR, season 1 episode is called " flip of a coin " or something like that
