MovieChat Forums > Essie Davis Discussion > Beautyfull, inteligent and excellent act...

Beautyfull, inteligent and excellent actress

Querida (dear) Essie:
I´m argentine. I speak english but not very much. I´ll write in spanish:
Eres muy muy hermosa. Es evidente una clara inteligencia en tu mirada.
Y quienes te han visto en otras películas (yo te vi en Matrix) dicen que eres
excelente actriz. O sea: una mujer ideal.
Te amo en la distancia. Y veré cuanta película llegue a mí.
Un beso grande (a great kiss)
Carlos Belisle

[email protected] or

[email protected]

PD: no tenían derecho a matarte en Matrix, dear Maggie


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Yes, and she also has excellent hooters.

...and the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln!


...meaning? ;-))


Now how come you know all this??? I´m a bit doubtful here...


Hooters? She would have to have swollen infected mosquito bites to have anything at all.
Good in the roll, reasonably attractive? Yes. Still not a bra buster.
