MovieChat Forums > Essie Davis Discussion > I Love Miss Phrynne Fisher!

I Love Miss Phrynne Fisher!

Essie Davis is the heart and soul of this light but magical roaring 20's murder mystery series. She is gorgeous to look at, assisted by a dazzling wardrobe of period gowns and hats, and plays the role to absolute perfection. It is a very good thing she is so ravishing because she is in every single frame! The plots are a little trite and banal. But typical of the genre (and given the one hour time frame) Phrynne Fisher is more about visual delights (supplied in spades)and the character of the "lady detective" and her familiars than it is about clever dialogue or convoluted plots. I was not prepared to enjoy a murder mystery series set in the dingy suburbs of 1920's Melbourne, but it is a winner and far surpasses similar offerings from British TV. Thank you Essie, I had no idea what a wonderful actress you are: thank you ABC and thank you producers - I won't miss an episode and will grieve when its gone! :)


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I'm the opposite I don't know if it's intentional but i find the character to smarmy and annoying for my liking,if this is how Essie is playing it well done if not hmmmm....


I agree. The plots are a little cliche, the scenarios and quick deductions improbable, but it's a sumptuous visual feast to be looked forward to each Friday night, or later on ABC iView and Essie is perfect in the role! I find it refreshing to see TV depicting a side to Melbourne in the 1920s other than redneck representations of Aussies, gangsters, war or slums. I'm thinking of visiting Rippon Lea for the first time, when next in Melbourne.


The series Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries has just started showing on Alibi on satellite here in the UK, and I love it. It's a bit light, as others have said, but it's just that bit quirky and off the wall to make it stand out from the crowd. The main reason for watching though is the performance of Essie Davis-she makes Phryne Fisher into the sexiest lady detective on TV by a country mile. Thoroughly recommended if you want to watch something a bit different.


it reminds me a bit of 'the mrs bradley mysteries' with diana rigg in the role. i've just started watching it and i quite like the series


from the very little i can ascertain, you appear to be an utter bore. lighten up
