Seems to have a very low character, decided I do not like him.
Having just watched the terrible beginning of S4 of "The Last Ship"
I thought I would try to find out a little about Eric Dane. Turns out
that he is married to a woman who killed someone with her car and
got probation for that. To me, somehow I keep seeing stories where
celebrities are involved in traffic fatalities and it just gets to me. I
cannot stand that.
Then there is the video or pictures that were released with Dane and
his wife and another women, naked, on Gawker. I'm sorry that Gawker
is not around anymore because now we do not get to see the clay
feet of our pathetic Hollywood celebrity heroes.
There is just something that bothers me about this guy, not to mention
that S4 of The Last Ship is The Last Straw ... it is ridiculous and terrible.
Dane did a great job playing Tom Chandler in S1 of TLS, but the show
has lost its best characters over time and devolved into an absurdity.
I have to add Dane to the list of actors who work I will not pay for and
seek to avoid.
I used to laugh at the Moral Majority who started denouncing Hollywood
30 or so years ago, but now I tend to feel the same way when I see
people who are extreme right-wingers or borderline criminals grow and
prosper in popularity because of contrived movie characters.
So, I have to rate Eric Dane 2/5! ;-)