MovieChat Forums > Eric Dane Discussion > Let me ask, does everybody who...

Let me ask, does everybody who...

...makes one of these tapes give it away to all their friends, or do they put a big label on it that says "Sex Tape - Do Not Open or Steal" and leave it on their coffee table during a huge party? It's beginning to get a little old.

"I hope she didn't take my attempt to destroy her too seriously."


I wondered that myself. They must put a big sign on them "SEX TAPE THAT COULD RUIN MY CAREER, PLEASE PLAY ON INTERNET." I wouldn't make one but if I did, that baby would be under lock and key. Not in a box in the garage like Tommy and Pam.

This one was suppose to be on the beauty queens computer hard drive. She said her ex-roommate was pissed of at her an physically took the hard drive out of the computer when she moved out. They did not part on the best of terms so this is some sort of payback. Except Mr.& Mrs. Mcsteamy come off looking alot worse by comparison. We already knew she was a slut and drug addict, no new info there.

Are we really to believe that girl knows anyone with enough smarts to remove a hard drive?

"Some day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century...JTR"


Of course she didn't know how to remove a hard drive! Hah! If you want revenge on a roommate, you pour a can of soda on their computer, you throw it out of a window, you dump it at a thrift shop, or you take an ax to it. Who has the time, knowledge or motivation to "remove the hard dirve"? If she [the computer scientist] was smart enough to remove or hire someone to remove it, it was only because the big-mouthed whore was probably bragging to everyone she knew about the whole encounter and showed it to the roommate. What a liar this girl is! And why the hell would she have it on her computer anyway?!

"I hope she didn't take my attempt to destroy her too seriously."
